Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hi all

Well almost 3 weeks since my last update... and well not a hell of lot has been happening really.

Let me see - I am still hating winter and am so over it and the germs that it brings and the use of the clothes horse, dehumidifier, dryer (occasionally) etc... but I guess that it is only 10 more days until the 1st day of Spring and it is also getting lighter in both the morning and the evenings - very slowly but it is happening! Daylight saving is only 5 weeks away as well so that will be great as well.

Though speaking of Daylight saving, it will be interesting to see how it affects Rachel this year now she is getting older - the last couple of changes haven't really affected our household too much.

Mum is still away on her 8 week trip - well now I think of it I am not sure if I have mentioned this in earlier posts or not. Mum was selected as part of a NZ team to represent NZ at a seniors petanque tournament in the States at the beginning of July. Then my eldest brother in Ireland said, well since you are there you may as well visit us, and then it was decided that she would visit my baby bro in South Africa and then another of my elder bro's in Aussie while she was travelling. So her trip consisted of 2 weeks in the States (including a 7 day cruise), 2 weeks in Ireland (including 4 days in France to see my brothers B&B they have set up), 2 weeks in South Africa, then 2 weeks in Australia!!! She is in Melbourne on her last stretch at the moment and has been having a total ball of a time while away! I told her to find herself a nice, loving gentleman on the cruise so she wouldn't be lonely anymore but doesn't sound like she did! So only 9 more days until she returns... we are picking her up from the airport and then taking her home, will have an early tea with her before coming home again.

Steph and I are both on Annual Leave at the moment - we had 2 weeks off and had hoped to head to Taupo but that wasn't able to be done so we have had almost 2 weeks at home (back to work on Monday) and it has been fantastic! The first couple of days were spent getting all of our "clutter" out of my friends garage where we had been storing it when we had the house on the market and going through all of that. We have biffed heaps and donated heaps as well to either the Sallies or to Pregnancy Help (most of Rachel's baby clothes and a few other bits and pieces). It was really rewarding being able to do that and to help others who are less fortunate than ourselves. Rachel was at creche for these two days and that worked really well as we got so much done without her "helping us"! Then on the Wednesday we took Rachel for a day trip into Wellington on the train which she loved. She did really well esp since she really only had about 2 20 min naps rather than 1 big sleep of approx 2 hrs! It was a great day out :) On the Thursday, we met creche at the library for story time there and she was a right little ratbag to put it mildly... but it was fun being part of the parent help there :) Friday - it was back to creche for her and some blobbing time for us :) We spent the day in Masterton with my sister and her family on Sunday which was great though Rachel had developed a slight cough but we all still had fun.

Monday, Rachel woke very miserable and very clingy... turns out she has tonsillitis and mild asthma so she is on ventolin for the asthma and some strong AB's for her throat. So we have had a couple of very quiet days with a very clingy, miserable little girl... took a couple of photos of what she was like :(

Thankfully she is looking a lot better now! *phew* We had planned to go to the Zoo today as they have $5 wacky Wednesdays in August but I was not happy that the cold air would be good for Rachel so we had another quiet day at home but I can tell you we really are getting tired of Hi 5, Love 2 sing, The wheels on the bus DVD's!!! Her fav Wiggles one had been loaned to a friend which we are getting back tomorrow so I think I am actually looking forward to it as I am so over Hi 5 etc!

We will reassess the weather tomorrow and Friday and might head to the Zoo one of those days as the AB's have definitely started working but obviously don't want to make her go down hill again...

Enough of our boring family life... what else has been happening with us??

Am returning to full time hours (extra 45 mins a day for me) by end of September - just need to organise Stephan's hours with his boss so must remember to write that letter in the next couple of days so he can give it to him on Monday when he goes back to work.

Am considering selling Tupperware for a 3mth trial to see how things go - we really need the money and I do love Tupperware. So have Annie (the Area Manager who I would be reporting to) coming to see us tomorrow morning to chat everything through so am pretty nervous about all of that especially standing up in front of people talking but then it could end up being good for me and my self confidence.

Am really wanting to join a gym and have been hearing so many good reports about Configure Express here in Upper Hutt... would love to get back into that side of things but to be honest I can't see myself coping mentally and physically with the fulltime work, tupperware and going to a gym so am dealing with the other 2 for now and then will see how things are going so I can reassess things.

I am only approx 16 kilos off my starting weight when I started this journey back in 2003. I am shit scared of getting back to that weight and I DO NOT want to get back there but at the same time I can not get in the right frame of mind when it comes to eating and drinking the right foods. Only I can do this for me and having been down this road before I know I have to want to do it for ME not for others! But for my sake (and Steph's and Rachel's) I have that motivation comes soon! I know I wouldn't succeed if I was forced to do anything so I need to want to do it myself!

Anyway, I started this about an hour ago and between eating corn chips, watching the Olympics, and hanging out washing I think I may have rambled enough and bored you all shitless! In fact if you are still here reading - well done!

Before I go, just a couple more photos of my girl before she got sick..


Jaxx said...

Such a cutie :-)

Tania said...

Sorry to hear Rachel is sick again - bring on the spring weather I say. Sounds like you've enjoyed your holidays, sometimes just doing things around the house is the nicest way to spend some time off.

I know where you're coming from on the diet front! We think it will all be so easy but after we have a baby it's like there's a major shift in focus of our lives and the motivation just doesn't come as easily anymore - well that's what I found with Lachlan. I'm hoping once Mikayla is born things will be different. Just remember Karen, as long as you keep trying, even if you end up taking 3 steps forward and 2 steps back, you'll always end up 1 step ahead.

Enjoy the rest of your time off! Don't envy your mum at the moment, Melbourne is no doubt having freezing weather!

Chris H said...

Poor bub not feeling well... the photos of her before she was feeling ill are so cute! She is almost a wee girl now.. not a bub anymore. that's sad, I love bubby's! Hope you are still enjoying your holiday.

Jules said...

The poor wee thing looks miserable. If you interested, onion and raw sugar great for mild asthma.

Anne said...

No doubt Rachel is a lot better now - but she really did have a lot of expression in her face when she wasn't feeling good!