Thursday, October 02, 2008

Another month over and another month begins! I simply cannot believe that we are in October already!!! As someone pointed out the over day - this time in 3 mths we will be in 2009!!! How scary is that??? Well to me that is quite scary indeed! Time sure does fly by faster as you get older! Well in my eyes it does!

So what's been happening lately for us... well not a lot really. I am currently at home with a barking cough (thanks Rachel for sharing your germs with Mummy)! I did go to work yesterday for an important meeting in the morning which had been postponed from last week due to me being away so thought I would make the effort to go in to work - by the time the meeting was over the whole team was telling me to piss off and go home! Got a telling off from the Acting GM as well (who is a very special lady for a number of reasons) for coming to work and sharing my germs! So yeap every couple of hours or so I seem to be coughing my guts out which ain't nice at all and very painful as well. Touch wood - it was been 3 hrs since my last bathroom visit so fingers crossed I am starting to get over the worst of it. I have had a lot of people tell me that they too have had this nasty cough and it takes WEEKS to go away! Flaming Nora - that is the last thing I wanted to hear and I really do hope it does not hang around that long for me!

Last week I was off work for 4 days (should have been 5 but that's another story) after I sprained/twisted my hip while putting Rachel into Time Out on the Saturday evening. It was one of the most painful things I had done - the pain I was in on Saturday night while trying to sleep was unbelievable! Off to the Drs on Sunday and got some GOOD anti inflammatories and pain relief! Thought he might say take a couple of days off but no he wanted me to rest for the whole week! By Thursday I was getting bored so went to work on the Friday which was good in a way work wise but bad for me and my hip!

I have also been having panic attacks during the night lately... I was getting these a bit this time 2 years ago - so in other words when I was heavily pregnant with Rachel. I wake during the night, and have trouble breathing and every time I lay down I just freak out! Tried sleeping sitting up but that's not something I can do very well! Actually while typing this I am thinking that perhaps I should dig out my rescue remedy though if I recall rightly it didn't help much 2 years ago but nothing stopping me trying it again. I am actually wondering if it is weight related (am heavier now than at full term with Rachel by about 8 kilos) but only one person can doing anything about that and that person is ME, MYSELF and I!!! And I really do hope that I can do something real soon!!! The parenting forum that I belong to have regular "Biggest Loser" challenges which are very popular indeed and I have tried a couple of them but just end up pulling out as I don't get anywhere. There are some marvellous mums who do the challenges and some of them have lost in the excess of 15+ kilos over the last 4 challenges! Challenge 5 is about to start so am giving that some serious thought currently.

Rachel is doing really well - and we still can not believe that she will be 2 in 4 weeks time! She is a real "helper" around the house - loves putting away the groceries with us and helping me clean the bathroom etc... She is petrified of the vacum cleaner though! It came on suddenly about 10 mths ago and I think in that time I have managed to get it out of the cupboard and vacum the house twice without her screaming hsyterically! Even with Steph here to comfort her, she goes to town with the screaming and tears. A couple of friends have suggested leaving it out in the hall or lounge for her to get used to and to explore while its off but we have a small house and don't really have the space to do that - well not with her stuff everywhere! :) Keep thinking of getting her a battery operated toy one for her birthday or Christmas but not 100% sure if that will help or not. We even dug out the dustbuster and hoped that might help her a bit but nope it hasn't so far.... I do have some great photos of her but they are not downloaded off the camera yet - must do that sometime soon!

Anyway, think I have rambled on enough to bore anyone who is still reading to tears! Will catch ya all later :)


Anne said...

Boring - no!!

The cough thing seems to be hanging on with lots of people, here's hoping the better weather will help.

Sorry to hear you are getting the panic attacks back again. I still do from time to time and hard to explain what it's like to anyone that hasn't experienced one!!

The challenge sounds good, maybe the lead up to Summer and Christmas will help the motivation?

Paula said...

Hi Karen.

I too am sorry to hear that you've been through a challenging time on the health front lately. Hopefully with the warmer weather, you will be able to shake the cough. I've had quite a lot of coughing recently - but mine has been put down to asthma.

I wish we lived closer - then perhaps we could motivate each other in the weight loss/lifestyle change. I'm the heaviest I've ever been, and not happy at all about it - and like you, I know I'm the only one who can do something about it. I think it did help when I use to have a walking buddy who encouraged me to get out with her a few times a week on a decent walk.

Must catch up soon. It's hard to believe that it's been nearly a year since you guys were down here on holiday.

Saw Te Awhina yesterday and she said to say hi to you if I was talking to you.

Take care,

Paula (Christchurch)

Tania said...

Oh you poor thing! I came home from hospital with bubs with a nasty cold and it took me a good 10 days to shake it and I couldn't stand the cough that went with it - hope it passes soon.

Not sure what to suggest in regards to Rachel's fear of the vacuum cleaner - perhaps let her play with it while it's switched off - help her to use it, maybe that would help?

Can't wait to hear about her 2nd birthday celebrations :-)

As to the weight loss - I went through the same thing after Lachlan's birth, he's 2 1/2 now and i'm only just getting back on track now that Mikayla's arrived! I'm not really sure what's spurred me on this time, I just know that I don't want to be sitting here this time next year knowing another year has passed me by. Do the challenge, give it everything you've got and even if you only lose a couple of kilos it's a step in the right direction!

Chris H said...

Our son Griffin loved the vacum cleaner so much we almost bought him his own one when he was a baby... I kid you not! I have no solution to Rachel's terror Im afraid! Saves you from vacuming though, this is a good thing! I hate vacuming. I hope you are over the awful cough soon mate. Excess weight can be to blame for a lot of things.... and as you know, only you can do anything about THAT! I can talk! I need to lose a lot too.