Wednesday, October 15, 2008

You will recall in my last post that I had a barking cough... well the next day (Fri 3 Oct) I awoke to having no voice whatsoever... and 13 days later I still have no voice!!! Yes some may say how peaceful things may be and how lucky Stephan is but I can tell you that 13 days is far to long to be without a voice! Oh I can whisper but that is my limit! I thought I was getting it back last Friday (so 8 days later) but by Sunday evening I was back to square one if not worse than I had initially started with! I had worked all of last week with no/minimal voice but was getting increasing frustrated at not being able to communicate freely with team members etc... and obviously by continuing to work meant my voice was not getting a rest at all! And evenings and weekends are self explanatory with Rachel around!

Sunday evening and Monday (while at work) I then started the nasty barking again - and was spending a lot of time coughing up phlegm. So stayed home on Tuesday and was able to get an appointment to see the Dr - so now on top of the laryngitis, I have a chest infection and an inflamed throat! So am on Antibiotics and am really hoping that they will kick in sooner rather than later as I am so over being sick! This year has been a bad one for me health wise so am really hoping that next year can only be better for me! The Dr put me off work for the week since a bit of my work involves phone work and even if I put my phone on divert, there is still the general day to day chattering etc... So have had 2 days of peace and quiet and saying sweet bugger all! The only talking I am doing is first thing in the morning getting Rachel ready for creche and talking.. oooops whispering to the teachers in the morning. Then again in the afternoon when Rachel and Stephan arrive home. So am roughly getting 8 hrs of no talking which surely must help a wee bit! Am not sure what I should do if I still have no voice on Monday when I am due back at work - will face that hurdle at the time should it arise and it will also depend on how I am feeling too I guess!

Right changing the subject now.... one of the local radio stations is going to be running a 6 week "Fit and Fabulous" competition which is basically going to consist of 2 teams of 4 people having full access to a gym, Personal Trainers, dietitians, etc etc... and the "winner" gets a trip for 2 to Fiji. Am considering sending in an application for this, but the gym that is sponsoring it is at the other end of town and I know that will be a major issue for me time wise etc... but it is tempting - will keep thinking about it.

Only 2 weeks and 3 days until Rachel turns 2!! Can't believe that has come around so quickly! Still have no idea what we are going to get her as a "main" present as yet - and whether we get something extra special as a combined Birthday and Christmas present. She now a right real helper and loves "watching/helping/seeing" everything we do! Loves carrying her stool around so she can stand on it to watch us do whatever it may be doing at the time! At times, it is so cute but at other times it can be frustrating especially when one is in a hurry in the mornings but I just try to grin and bear it! Her language is coming along in leaps and bounds and it is so scary what she takes in and comes out again with a few days/weeks later! She has a memory like an elephant! LOL

Anyway, time to get moving and start organising myself for bed... catch ya later :)


Anne said...

Oh - you have really it tough this year. Hope the antibiotics kick in really soon and you are back to normal.

Try and go for the competition!!! Imagine a holiday in the sun.

A soon to be 2 year old, it's exciting seeing (and hearing) them grow up.

Chris H said...

I think losing your voice would be horrible... especially for me! I wouldn't be able to yell at the kids! They would like it though. I hope your voice is back now and you are on the road to total recovery.

Tania said...

Oh how awful for you, I hope that your throat is better and your voice is back by now!

Jaxx said...

Just popping in to say Hi and hope all is well with you. :-)