Monday, May 04, 2009

Still a bit sore today but getting there slowly...

Been a good day today - walked to work from the station (have been busing a bit lately) and then had a few crackers and grapes for morning tea. Salmon Salad (lettuce, tomatoes, baby carrots, cucumber and egg with tinned salmon) for lunch. Apple, grapes and some more crackers through the afternoon. One small bar of chocolate but am over that already. Am very proud that I have got through the day without my daily intake of coke and chippies! And oh can't forget almost 2 litres of water too... I certainly can't forget with the number of toilet stops I have done!!!

Gym tomorrow night - getting a bit nervous now but am sure I will be just fine.

Catch ya later


Janine said...

Man you did so much better on the water front than I did. Great job with the whole day!!!

Anne said...

Great effort Karen:-) As I said the old Karen is back!

Margaret said...

Great stuff, you are on the way....