Thursday, June 08, 2006

Not much to say tonight as I am not feeling the best... have had heart pulpations for majority of the day. Have been having them off and on for the last few days but today they have been there most of the day. Have just spoken to Midwife and she says she can't think of anything pregnancy related that could be causing this so has suggested that I have an early night, have a warm milky drink (yuck) and take a couple of panadol and if I am no better in the morning or they come back tomorrow to call the Dr and make an appt to see her.

My heartrate has been about 95 most of the day whereas the average adult heartrate is approx 72 per min. Its a bit freaky but am trying not to worry too much... even just laying on the couch for 2 1/2 hrs this evening (with takeaways for tea) so I was not moving much at all and the heart rate didn't drop below 92!

MW thinks it could be the beginning of some sort of infection so will see how I am in the morning.

But anyway, off to put my electric blanket on so I can head to bed after Super Nanny... catch ya all later.


Anonymous said...

Hun.. I know that you trust your midwife but she isn't a doctor. If it was me I would be in to the doctor tomorrow! Better to be safe than sorry..

Your normal heart rate will be higher than the normal heart rate because of your weight...if you don't know what your NORMAL heart rate is then it is better to go and see a doctor... it could be that you are making it worse because of the fact that you think your normal heart rate should be 72 ya know..

Relax hun and make an appointment for the doctor.. (my suggestion anyway).

Love ya
Big hugs

Kate said...

Aww you poor thing - it's a horrible feeling isn't it? I know I get it some times and it gives you a real fright. I guess the fact that you are worrying about it, and also worrying about your next scan etc probably doesn't help - but your midwife is right, your heart rate can go up with infection - even just a cold.

Take care of yourself, and don't you dare go to work tomorrow if you aren't feeling up to it, lol.

Jaxx said...

You take care.... rest and try not to worry. I know easier said than done.

Cheers jaxx

Lynda said...

Joanna had this as well when she was pregnant but was told it was a normal "side effect" of being pregnant. It was quite scary as her heart was literally jumping and beating out of beat.

Rachel said...

I agree with all of the above, if it hasn't stopped I would go and see the doctor just to check that it is a symptom of pregnancy. If you don't you are just going to stress yourself out with worry.

Hope your feeling better today chic.

Anne said...

I would go to the doc just for reassurance. You will feel better by talking to him.

Take care:)

Carla said...

i hope your feeling a little better today hun, if not, off to the doctors you trot please!! :) xxx

Kate said...

Hope you are feeling better today xx