Wednesday, July 12, 2006

23 weeks down... 17 to go...

Yeap 23 weeks today and only 17 to go... or that is going by my EDD and as we all know anything could happen! I keep thinking of a friend of mine who had her first 8 weeks early which means that if happened to me that is only 9 weeks away! So really hoping that doesn't happen to me as that is just a bit too early for my liking!

I really MUST get a photo taken as my last one was at 17 weeks and I think there may be a difference in my bump now - though obviously I still just see me getting fatter but I keep getting told there is a definite bump there now.

Am down to two pairs of pants workwise... I do have two pairs sitting in a bag that need taking up so must get them around to my Steph's mum to see if she can take them up for me (god I hate being short at times) but before I do that I must try them on to make sure that they still do actually fit me!

Work today was great - relaxed and got heaps done. L and I were able to leave early so got away about 2.40pm so we could catch the 3pm train! Was so wonderful being home early and also while it was light (or as light as it was going to be in Winter)! We had the most yummy soup for dinner - it was a deli brand from the Supermarket (can't recall the name) but it was an organic lamb with roast garlic and red wine... it was devine and so yummy!!! And we accompanied it with some garlic bread! Great meal for this type of weather - we have had the most amazing rain and thunder storms this evening!

Not much more to say so will sign off here to stop me rambling to much...

Catch ya all later


Kate said...

Oooh can't wait for more bump photos!

Anonymous said...

Definitely soup weather....and yours sounds delicious!!!

LOL about running out of pants fast. It's hard to find good maternity pants for work! I got my Mum to make a few pairs at about 20 weeks :o) Around home you can just wear super-stretchy trackies.

Look forward to seeing Little Miss Bump too :o)

Rachel said...

Yep we did the soup thing as well last night......yum!

I'll take some photo's on Sunday of your 'baby belly' if you want, I'll bring the ole' digital camera?

Anne said...

We got the rain and thunder too - lovely and cosy inside with the fire going though.

17 weeks is not long!!!!