Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hi ya

Another great day at work - not to hectic but busy enough to make the day go fast enough. Once gettng home, I realised that I needed to take some books back to the library so suggested to Steph that once he had a shower, that we shoot up to Upper Hutt, drop the books off, pop into the Warehouse and then grab some takeaways for tea before he had to go out... So we did that and got some great bargins from the Warehouse - 2 flannel work shirts for Steph, 2 sweatshirts for me (nice baggy ones for during the winter), 1 nice work top for me, 2 soft cup bras and 2 books for baby - all for $65! So definitely got some bargins there!

We had been talking about baby stuff at work and one of the ladies suggested that I start reading stories to baby because of course she can hear me now so am going to start reading her stories whenever I can. I will also track down a couple of nice CD's so we can play them to her :)

Got another fairly busy weekend organised this weekend... Saturday is of course the usual housework, groceries and washing as well as going to the DVS Store in Ngaraunga Gorge to purchase a couple of the Econ-heat panel heaters - one for the hallway and one for the babys room (they are so much cheaper to run that the oil fin ones that we have been using down that end of the house), we will also stop at Bunnings and purchase some power points for when my nephew comes and does the work for us. Will also grab a 3 in 1 lighting unit for the bathroom whilst at Bunnings... then home for a quiet evening I think.

Sunday - there will be some baking done in the morning as I have Jo, Janine, Helena, Rachel and maybe another friend Rose popping in for a cuppa and some of my homemade baking in the afternoon. It will be great seeing them all and catching up :) Rachel is also bringing a highchair that we are buying off her so thats another item crossed off our list :)

Anyway, time to get moving so will catch ya all later


Anonymous said...

Oooooh have to comment on the music thing!! I bought Bach for Babies (I like classical so that was an easy choice for me, but some would hate it!) and played it everytime I took a nap when I was pregnant. I got used to relaxing as soon as I heard it start, so after baby was born I played it a lot when I was learning to breastfeed. We also used it for trips in the car when we wanted to help Bubs to relax and 4 years later he still loves it...calls it his "Little Baby Music".
Also about the books....we didn't do it for our first but when I was pregnant the second time I was reading a couple of favourite stories to Son #1 pretty much every day. Sure enough....the second one just LOVES those stories too and I wondered if it was because they seemed familiar :o)

I like the sound of the heaters you mentioned...might have to check them out! (Big power bills here!!)

I've gone and done a super-long comment again...LOL.

Helena said...

Hi gorgeous, just realised I've been reading you every day and not leaving a comment! :o shame on me! Congrats on your fantastic progress so far, well over half way and looking gorgeous as ever! Music wise, I'll bring round some of mine on Sunday and see what you think *grin* ~ just kidding, I dont think Metallica and System of the Down is something she'll be dropping of to sleep with *giggle* Nevertheless, we could teach her to dance - and we'll get some exercise in too!

Jaxx said...

I am sure the twins were sick of my voice by the time they popped out lol. Read heaps to them and played heaps of different music to them from about 8 weeks on.

Have a great weekend Jaxx

Rachel said...

Don't ya just love the Warehouse?

When the ad comes on TV I sing "The Warehouse, the warehouse where Mummy gets a bargin" and both kids tell me off because they reckon "Everyone gets a bargin"......hehe, how true.

Can't wait to see you on Sunday, I have also found one of my baby books which I no longer need so I will give it to you so you can do even MORE reading :)

Anonymous said...

Hey hun... hope you are doing some baking when I come down there he he he.

Love CM

The Candid Bandit said...

I just read your due date on Emily's blog and realised you are due on my son Bradman's birthday (1yr old this year).

A beautiful little scorpio.
