Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hi there

Before I start I just want to wish my darling loving husband a very happy birthday for today! I love you heaps darling and can't wait till our wee girl comes along and becomes part of our family! You are going to be an awesome daddy! Love you heaps hun xxx

Once again thanks for the advice after last nights post... I will be calling the "Working for Families" 0800 number when I have a moment (not something I want to do from work) and will have a chat to them :) But the more I think about it the more likely it is that we will put an application in to our bank to have a 3mth break just to help us out a bit... An Anonymous comment was left earlier on but it has since been deleted (by the poster not me) about Steph staying home on Parental Leave and me going back to work... that too is something we have talked about but not a decision I am going to force him into and will let him make the decision but personally I don't think it will happen and besides even on my salary we would still be struggling...

Though I must admit the article on the news today about people on over $100K getting Family Assistance is very frustrating indeed and made me more adamant that I will be calling them when I can.

Work today - not too bad - wouldn't call it cruisey but it was lighter than we have been having lately which was great. I met a friend for lunch today and it was awesome catching up with Jenny and boy did we talk!!! It was great seeing her and we are determined we will meet up again before I go on Parental Leave :)

We haven't done a lot for Steph's birthday tonight as one he had competition shooting tonight so that put pay to having a nice dinner/evening together... and two we might go out over the weekend to a local carvery which does a 3 course roast meal for only $15 per head.

Not a lot planned for the weekend at this stage apart from the usual housework, groceries etc... am hoping to catch up with a friend or two if we are able to have spare time at the same time if that makes sense...

Right catch ya all later...


Kate said...

I hope you can sort something out that puts your mind at ease over the finances. When your girl is born and you are on leave you need to be able to relax and enjoy it. When Amelia was born I spent a lot of time stressing over money and went back to work as soon as our savings (v small!) ran out - about 5/6 months old, and it didn't really do our family any favours except for bringing in a few more dollars, which quickly got spent.
This time, we have even less money, even less savings, but more mouths to feed and I'm avoiding going back to work for as long as I can. It's going to be hard, but I learnt from last time that this is what I want to do. We'll see how we cope though, lol. It's very scary indeed, I understand. The mortgage and rates alone are enough to stress one out!!

Anonymous said...

Work from home with your computer skills?

Anne said...

Kate really summed it all up. I also think when you aren't working there are ways to cut corners to help out. Try not to stress and just get ready to enjoy that little girl.

Happy birthday to the father to be!!

Anonymous said...


I wonder if since you are only short by a few hundred whether either you or Steph could change hours in order to qualify? Or perhaps speak to your companies about how flexible they might be prepared to be - agree to a paycut in return for some extra holiday or other perks that bring you below the payment threshold? Not sure if that is possible but worth checking out.

This whole area is something we've been thinking about in advance of even getting pregnant because I am the major breadwinner in my relationship and I will have to go back to work after maternity leave finishes. We've been thinking about a few other options - someone I met said he and his wife both did part-time 3 days each so they each had 2 days with the baby and the baby spent one day in day-care - and that sounded just about perfect to me. Other options for us are my partner being stay at home Dad but not sure I'd want the typical breadwinner role and might get jealous. If we stayed in the UK, Dan's Mum would help us out as she is desperate for grandchildren but we don't know if we want to stay here or move to NZ.

Anyway, good luck with your investigations.

Hi said...

Happy Birthday Karen's hubby!
The money thing is definately scary. I have no idea what we are going to do when I *finally* get pregnant. I'm sure everything will work out fine for you though :)

Crafty Japan said...

Ohhhh, I SO want to come to that roast dinner with you ;)

Wish the man a happy birthday :)

Anonymous said...

Surely if the $'s are such a big deal and every $ counts you should stay at work and Hubby stay at home. It seems to me that you are more interested in your personal position rather than the whole families welfare.

Helena said...

Happy belated birthday you crusty ole bugger! *smirk*