Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ahhhh Saturday afternoon already - boy why do weekends go so fast yet the week days seem to drag on...

I had a better day yesterday after my post on Thursday evening... believe me things were a lot worse than I actually let on but didn't want to get myself too down as I was bad enough as it was! My moan and bitch could have been a lot worse but like I said I didn't want to go into all the details as I didn't want to bring myself down any lower than I already was. For those couple of you who asked what I ended up making myself for lunch for Friday - I ended up with egg sandwiches :)

I think some of my problems could be related to tiredness as I have worked out that I am averaging approx 6hrs sleep per night which I know for some is ample and for some they can only wish that they did sleep that long... but for me who used to easily have about 8hrs sleep a night, now only having the 6hrs most week nights is probably impacting on my hormones and moods! I have tried going to bed earlier but if I do that I just lay there for a good hour or so before I finally dose off.

And unlike others, I just can not spend the weekends in bed... I sometimes wish I could believe me! But if I ever do manage to do that, I feel like I am wasting the day away which is why I am usually up by about 8.30am at the weekends as for me that is still an extra 2hrs or so in bed so that is a lay in....

This morning, I headed down to Lower Hutt and did my 28 week Gluclose blood tests. The drink wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I did start struggling with it by the 2nd cup but got it all down! So whilst filling in the hour before they did the next blood test I went for a walk to Baby Factory and got a wee present for a friend of mine who had a wee girl during the week. My other friend Jo hasn't had her wee one yet but fingers crossed it will be happening this week :) Back to the lab for the rest of the test and then home...

Steph had done the majority of the housework by the time I got home which was great but I do want to get stuck into the dusting at some stage as that hasn't been done for a while but whether I get to it today remains to be seen.... After having some lunch, we went and did the groceries. Now we are home again, Steph is reading the paper and I am blogging (obviously). Not sure what we are doing this evening as yet but might head down to his brothers place to take my old computer down to them as well as his nieces birthday present (only 10 days late).

Then that means tomorrow we can start moving stuff out of the nursery into the spare room and then once that is done, we can start sanding, painting etc... my nephew who is the sparky is going to come down from Palmy on the 9th Sept to install our new power points, light fittings etc... so just trying to work out if we aim to get all the painting etc done by then or if we just have the room sanded and prepared and then do the actual painting after Rob has done his things around the place.

We definitely have one very active baby which is still amazing me and Steph finally got to see my tum move last night which was cool and as usual she is jumping, kicking around whilst I am typing away!

Anyway, not much more to say really - but thanks again for your support on Thursday evening and yesterday - as always it is very much appreciated.

Hope you are all having a great weekend... catch ya all later


Tania said...

Pregnancy brings a whole range of new emotions and feelings and I think you're doing great! By the time I was at your stage of pregnancy I was cutting back to 4 days work and then went to 2 1/2 days, I so admire what you're achieving, it's only natural that you'll have the occasional off day.

Rachel said...

Glad you are feeling better sweetie, try and take it a bit easier. Sit around and relax if you can stand it - watch that Steel Magnolia's DVD and have a good ole cry :)