Saturday, September 09, 2006

Wow can't believe its Saturday evening already!! The day sure has flown by!

Had a nice early night last night as I was shattered after a full on day at work and a very restless and uncomfortable night on Thursday night... Had a good sleep initially but am SO OVER sleeping with pillows and the frequent toilet stops that I am making! Last night once I woke the first time, it seemed that I was up every couple of hours visiting that wee room! :) Please don't get me wrong as believe it or not I am throughly enjoying pregnant overall - its just the hormones which I have no control over which are getting me down and the general uncomfortableness that I am now experiencing as we get closer to "D" day!

I have my next scan on Wed 20th when I will be 33 weeks to see if my placenta has moved up or not as it was quite low and sitting just above my cervix. If it hasn't moved up it will be a definite c-section for me so just gotta wait and see on that one. Still getting heaps of movement which is fantastic to watch and feel... am also getting Braxton Hicks most days now - more so when I am walking to and from the railway station and occasionally when I am just relaxing...

Anyway, back to my day today - no sleep in for us as we had my nephew the sparky arriving between 9.30-10am and then I had a hair cut at 10am as well! Rob hadn't arrived when I left for the hairdressers but apparently turned up just after I left... so by the time I got back he was well and truely stuck into the work we had lined up for him! :) Jo popped in to drop off the latest Avon Brochure - was great to see you mate and you really are looking fantastic!!!!!!!!! :) Once Jo had gone, I got busy making a bacon and egg pie as that is what Rob had requested for lunch and I do have a confession to make - this was my first ever bacon and egg pie that I had ever made and I am 35 years old!!! Now that is real scary! But never fear, it turned out fantastic and was scrumptious along with a nice green salad that I had made :)

By 4.30pm, Rob had finished and we had our new 3in1 bathroom light/fan/heater installed, we had our new light fittings installed in the lounge and we had 3 new power points through the house! Things look great now especially since I have also done the vacuming and cleaned up the mess that was left behind but upon saying that Rob did offer to vacum for me but as he had about a 90min drive ahead of him, I said no worries and that I would do it.... Steph also offered but I was fine just as long as I take it easy. So the place is looking great and now Steph just has to attach the panel heaters to the wall in the hallway and the nursery :) And of course the painting of the nursery. We have set the date of 24/25 August to get his sisters around to help us do the painting so before then, we need to get the second coat on the ceiling and do the skirting, door frame and windows so guess what we are up to next weekend!!!

Tonight, Steph is in a shooting comp so a real quiet night for me - might make a call or two and see if any of my friends are also having quiet nights and perhaps might catch up with one of them....

Tomorrow, we are having a wee sleep in, before getting up and heading to town for the Parent and Child show for 2/3hours and then heading home... I will also make a trip to Lower Hutt to visit my friend Jo who had her wee girl on Thursday morning - can't wait to catch up with Jo and to meet Madeline (Maddie). God I get so cluckly just thinking about it! LOL

Oh, before I sign off - just to say that the Ante natal class went really well - as well as can be expected for a first night anyway - with not much said but hopefully as we get to know each other that will change. We are first on the list for due dates...

Anyway, time to organise tea so Steph can get away on time... home cooked fish and chips for us tonight :) Hope you are all having a great weekend - catch ya all later


Kate said...

Ooh I hope you'll post pics of the nursery when it's all done - very exciting. It's the things like that that make you realise your bubba will be here so soon!

Must be nearly time for more belly shots too? :-)

JustJo said...

Awww thanks! was great to see you and the belly too!!!

Tarns said...

Hope you enjoyed your me time last night hon! And yum home cooked fish and chips - we have had them a lot too of late! Have a great week xxx

Sue said...

I reckon the interrupted sleep in the last few months of pregnancy is just to get you used to what's to come...

Chubbymum said...

OMG I am just like you... I haven't ever cooked a bacon and egg pie either he he he but not suprising for me as I hate cooking he he he he he.

Sounds like you are a busy lass with all the visiting and parent shows and vistors etc hun.. It is great to keep busy I reckon... makes time go fast.