Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Yay the sun is shining again today! And that always make the day seem brighter and better no matter how I am feeling - which at the moment is tired and a bit down... nothing major - just lack of sleep I think and once I have been out and about later on I will wake up and feel better still.

Rachel is going through a stage of "snacking" for a wee while, falling back to sleep and then dosing for approx an hour before waking again for another snack and then the vicious cycle begins again... I tell you it can take it out of you that is for sure but then all the mums who read this will know this already! I do try to drag it out for as long as I can as I would rather her take more formula at one time and then sleep for longer - sometimes it will work but not for long. The last two nights I have been up twice to her as she is only doing about 3hrs during the night... but the good side of that is we are both back in bed within an hour which is great. We were spoilt initally when we had her co-sleeping with us as it is proven that when they do sleep with you they sleep for longer periods... very tempting to put her back in our bed just for longer sleep for us but Steph is not that keen on it as he really does love his bed space :)

Off to the Cranial Osteopath for a follow up session at 11am and then a quick stop at Steph's work as they want to see Rachel again... and then we are going to Steph's sister in laws for lunch and a quick chat before home for a sleep for us both!

Yesterday, we had "Baby and You" before meeting Rachel for lunch at Mega Mitre 10 - unfortunately Jo was unable to make it! Both Rachel and I tried a new Pasta and Smoked Chicken Salad which was primo and so delicious! The serving size was just fantastic and just right :) Little Rachel was perfectly behaved while at the cafe but from the moment we were in the car until we got home she screamed and screamed as she was hungry... and then murphys law that we got every red light on the way home. By the time we got home, she was so red and even had tears in her eyes - I felt like the biggest meanie mummy ever!

Hmmmm typical that as I write that Rachel has only been sleeping for "hour" long periods that she has now been down for almost 2 hours! YAY!!!!! But guess I had better get my A into G and get things sorted and organised for going out in case she does wake and I am not ready.

Catch ya all later


Rachel said...

Hope all goes well at the Cranial Osteopath today.

The sun will definately brighten your mood once your out and about.

Chubbymum said...

You are such a good mummy!!! Sometimes they just have to scream hun.

Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

It's hard to anticipate when they'll want feeding isn't it! (Still, better in the car than in the cafe I reckon!)

Sounds like you're enjoying your Maternity leave :o)
SO well timed to have it over Christmas and summer! (Summer??? Oh well...let's hope!)


Anne said...

You've got sun!!! We have wind, wind and more wind - no sun here jsut clouds:(

Crafty Japan said...

Ahhh, we have sun here too this morning :) Yay for sun, hey??

Ryder's sleeping patterns are still a little crazy at times too...last night he slept 6 hours but was up twice the few nights before that. I think it must just take them some time to settle into a routine, huh?

Just to let you know, besides a lttle expressed milk he's now going onto formula too. Just one more person going through the same thing :)