Thursday, December 07, 2006

Ahhhhh I'm so full now Mummy...

1 mth old and chilling out on my new huggies playmat...

Just relaxing in the pram after a nice walk...

Am feeling a bit better today after writing last nights post and thanks for your support! It means so much to both Steph and myself! After Rachel went down at 8.15pm, I went to bed and we both slept till 1.55am! Then back in bed within the hour and asleep again till 6am... so I am feeling a lot better in myself etc... Only thing is that I have my toothache back again so I really must ring the dentist but don't really have the spare $$$ at the moment especially at this time of the year.

Right off to coffee group shortly and Rachel is sleeping soundly in her bed... so best I get myself organised for when she wakes or if I have to wake her and put her in the carseat...

Ciao for now


Hi said...

Ohhh, my friend has that cool huggies mat. They are too cool!
So glad to see everything is going well *hugs*

Anne said...

Wish I could have a cuddle! Rachel is beautiful:)

Kate said...

Hehe so cute!

Paula said...

Hi Karen.

The photos are just gorgeous - you have one very cute little daughter there! I especially love the pic of Rachel asleep in her pram - she looks like she's in deep thought there with her hand where it is.

I hope things are going well for you. My out-laws arrived last night - talk about challenging!! I wish I knew half of what they were saying but they are all jibbering away in Swedish, with the odd english word thrown in for my benefit.

Have a good weekend.

Take care,

- Paula (Christchurch)

Crafty Japan said...

Hi Karen,

Sorry I haven't checked in for a while - it seems as if you've had a lot going on tho!! :(

We all seem to be having these horror days at some point. I guess it's part of the job, hey? Frustrating though, isn't it?

Hope the sun is shining and things are looking up :)