Monday, December 11, 2006

Hi ya

Just thought I would do a quick update after our first visit to Plunket today... got a phonecall from them early this morning to see if I could see them today and as I was already going out to "Baby and Me" class I said I would pop in there on the way home. Rachel is doing really well and has gained 560gms in 10 days and is now weighing 4.480gms (9lbs 14oz) so plunket nurse was really happy with that. The nurse did a through check and is happy with everything :)

We have also made an appt with the Dr for Thursday morning to have Rachels 6 week check up (OMG she will be 6 weeks on Thursday!!!) and her immunisation shots so will also discuss the reflux issue with her then. Speaking of the reflux - she hasn't been to bad today (touch wood) and she's definitely not constipated today!!! LOL Have been trialling a Natropharm Digest-Med spray for the last 3 days and it seems ok at the moment though she certainly doesn't like the taste of it when I spray it in her mouth.

I have also bought a safety wedge for her today on advice of other mums who have reflux babies - as it keeps them on their side which makes them a lot more comfortable (if they are on their back the acid comes back up). So far she has been down for just over an hour which at this time of the night is brilliant for us! But now we have the decision to make of do I go to bed and hope that she sleeps till about midnight or knowing my luck will she wake up just as I have gone to sleep... OR do I wait up and wait up and wait up and she keeps on sleeping... LOL Oh I do hate these decisions one has to make at times! LOL

Anyway, enough blabbering from me - hope I haven't bored you all with this update... catch ya all later :)


Rachel said...

You never bore us with your updates, we love hearing about what you have been up to as well as how Rachel is.

Reece suffered from reflux but thankfully it was only for a couple of months (until about 5 months I think), not long to go :)

Anonymous said...

My second (breastfed) had silent reflux and he was never happy after feeds. I eliminated dairy products completely and he improved heaps. He was pretty much over it by 10 weeks. We opted not to go the medication route and found propping him (including the head of his bassinette) helped a lot! Didn't know about the Naturopham remedy (those rock!). So glad you're having some's hard work!

Good for you for the weight gain!!

PS...Rachel updates..boring? NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!

Anne said...

Six weeks - that time has gone very quickly!

Anonymous said...

wow! Rachel weighs the same as Olivia! well done Rachel!

*sigh* 6 weeks already, time goes so fast doesnt it? Olivia got her 6wk immunisations today, but seems to be doing fine with them!

hope you had a great day hun!
