Thursday, February 22, 2007

Yeap am still here and have survived 4 days of working and childcare etc...

Being organised the night before definitely takes some getting used to thats for sure! Though am getting in the habit pretty quickly... home, cuddles with Rachel, put nappies on to rinse/wash, playtime with Rachel while one of us gets dinner on, after dinner its bath time and then bottle before she heads to bed. Rachel is sleeping really well going down between 8-8.30pm and waking between 6.30-7.00am.

Rachel seems to have settled down quite well in care which is a relief for me thats for sure! She had initially been quite fussy when taking the bottle but its definitely improving which is great. And she is going down to bed a lot quicker and easier now as well and although she isn't feeding and sleeping as much as she did when I was at home, she is full of smiles and giggles when she is awake. Rachel is almost rolling from back to tum which is fun to watch though she gets so frustrated at times! The ladies at the daycare say they haven't met a 3mth old who is as fussy/stubborn as Rachel! LOL Though with both Steph and I being stubborn - Rachel really doesn't have any chance of being anything else I guess! LOL

This morning was a bit emotional for me though as Rachel "slept in" and didn't wake until 7.10am and so I only had time to change her, dress her and give her the reflux medication before putting her in the car and heading off to care. I asked the team leader at daycare if they needed me to stay and give her the bottle and they said it was up to me and I chose to rush off and catch the train! As I was getting on the train, I broke down in tears and felt like I was the world's worst mummy!!!! When I got to work, I was still very emotional and got told by the boss that I should always put Rachel first and not to worry about work! So after that, I rung day care and she had taken the whole bottle very happily and had gone down to bed which made me feel a bit better but in future if she sleeps later again I will stay at day care and give her the bottle.

So am plodding on day by day and so far so good I guess... am pretty tired but getting there. Treated myself to a haircut and colour on Saturday - so am now a "red haired"! Have taken a couple of photos so once they are downloaded I will post them on here.

Oh, I am reading most blogs but don't usually have the time to leave comments but please be assured I am reading them all!

Anyway, best I get moving and might head to bed shortly... so will catch ya all later.


Lynda said...

Nearly one week over and then you get to cuddle Rachel for TWO WHOLE DAYS!! It must be hard but as you say, you have no choice. You will certainly enjoy your weekends more now that is for sure.

Tania said...

Glad to hear your first week back is going well! It's not easy to get used to the sudden change but I find that being organised at night helps tremendously! My husband and I come home from work, focus 100% on Lachlan until he goes to bed, then we eat dinner (which is usually something i've cooked in advance on weekends and frozen) and both spend about 30 minutes running around getting everything ready for the next day before having our "down time". It works a treat and we get that quality time we need with our little boy but it took me a while to get into the routine.

Chris H said...

I take my hat off to you, sounds like you have your new routine sorted... though I bet you are feeling so tired. Have a nice quiet weekend.

Sandra said...

It'll get easier.

I'm impressed that it seems to be going well.

Good luck and enjoy the weekend...