Friday, March 02, 2007

Hi all

Been a busy but quiet week this week. Rachel still has her cold and is not 100% in herself. It's mainly at night time when she is the worst (just like us I guess) - mainly coughing and snuffly. I did take her to the Dr's on Wednesday and he once again confirmed that it is "just" a cold and to keep up the Pamol, Saline Solution, the vaporizer (or in our case the Crockpot) and lots of cuddles and TLC. Rachel went back to Day Care yesterday and today as she is really quite happy and full of smiles when she is awake. Although, today I got a phonecall from them about 2.15pm saying that she was blocked up and a bit miserable so Daddy went and picked her up and took her home for lots of cuddles, some Saline and a bottle.

Rachel is 4mths old today! Wow where has the time gone??? I have quite often been thinking "wow this time 4mths ago I was............" It's been a challenging 4mths at times but there has been so much fun and laughter as well. I did take a few photos of her this morning before heading to Daycare so just need to download them and I will try to that this weekend.

Oh we saw the Karitane nurse on Wednesday as well - Rachel is now weighing 6.9 kilos and 61cms long. We talked about solids but according to Plunket, Rachel should be drinking 200-250mls at each feed before she is ready to take solids. Afterwards I did some thinking and thought hang on a minute - when a baby is exclusively breastfeed they can't see how much a baby is taking.... so why set a figure for bottle fed babes! I have a friend in Dunedin whose little girl is 2 weeks older than Rachel and her plunket nurse said no such thing and Charlie (the little girl) only takes 120mls at a time every couple of hours and Lynn has been told Charlie can start on solids just whenever she feels the time is right. And apparently Reflux babes can start solids earlier too as it can often help with their reflux issues... so might give it another couple of weeks and then see what Rachel's reaction to a spoon is :)

Work is very full on at the moment and as much as I would like to/need to work longer hours, I am not going to as I do treasure all the time I can get with Rachel... and well work can wait!

Anyway, not too much happening this weekend really - we have Steph's youngest sister's farewell BBQ tomorrow as she is moving up north and having family and friends around before she goes. But that's about it as far as our social life goes this weekend. But heaps of stuff to be done around the house so no rest for the wicked in this place.

Right I am off to bed and hopefully Rachel has a good night though her coughing often wakes me up but not her! LOL

Catch ya all later


Chris H said...

I think reflux babies benefit from solids, the food stays down easier for them. I have had 2 reflux babies and had them on thickened milk solution then solids quite early (3 months)... they seem to have turned out fine! You do what you feel is best for Rachel, as only a mother truly knows her own child. Two of my babies were kinda big a birth (10.12 and 10.4) and they were on solids at 2 months! And they ate heaps too I might add, and were breastfed as well. So it really is up to the baby. Enjoy your weekend, it's nice to not be too busy when you are so busy and rushed all week I think.

Lynda said...

Karen something I learned while Fletcher was Rachel's age. Apparently there is a reason not to start solids too soon. Apparently it can increase allergies etc (or something like that, I'm working from memory but have it in a book somewhere). When they are a little older their saliva processes food different or something. Anyway the thinking now is to now have solids until 6 months.

Probably doesn't help but as Chris said, at the end of the day, do what feels right for you.

Jules said...

I think Chris and Lynda both have valid points but ... plunket changes it's rules every 10 minutes. When Peta was little it was 4 months but now it is 6 months. They say it increases the allergies but if you look back to when we were kids we tended to start on solids (just veges moulied) a lot earlier than six months and there were far less allergies related to food around then. I think Plunket are a bit hypocritical as they have this whole set of rules regarding food and breastfeeding yet the plunket endorsed baby food (Watties) has tomato puree or paste in foods that is for an age group that plunket doesn't advise has tomato!! Do what feels right for you Karen.

Anne said...

The views change all the time. Just go with your gut feeling - Rachel will let you know:)

Taslking about views - horror I used to sleep our kids on their tummies! They wouldn't sleep any other way. Just not done now - yet they do it sometimes in the neo natal unit.

Chubbymum said...

You are the mum hun you know what is best for you sweet little one. I started my two boys early because they were reflux boys.... (ohhhh soooo glad that they are older now he he he)

I got to the stage where I just went with what I thought was right because there are too many people telling me too many different things..

She won't eat anything she doesn't want to so trying it won't hurt..

You know what is best my friend... you are a good mum.

Anyway that is my opinion.
