Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hi ya

Didn't realise it had been so long since my last update - boy the time sure does fly being a mummy and working full time!

Well have survived 3 weeks of working and all is going well in fact I am actually enjoying being back at work most of the time. I think it is do with the fact that I'm using my brain (yes I do have one believe it or not LOL) and having adult conversations about other things rather than just babies! Don't get me wrong I LOVE talking about Rachel and hearing about all my friends babies but talking about other things is great as well!

Rachel seems to have settled into Day Care really well - she is always full of smiles when I leave her, then Steph gets huge smiles when he picks her up and then when I walk in the door later on I get the biggest smiles and giggles - just makes my heart melt!!! I just love the 2hrs or so that I have with her when I get home. Our bath time is quality time and then we cuddle up together to talk while I give her the last bottle of the night. Daycare haven't emailed me the pics that they have taken of her as yet so I will write a note in her notebook leaving my work email address and hopefully that will jog their memory. We have our first Parent-Teacher meeting coming up in 3 weeks so that will be lots of fun.

Rachel still has her cough and after going to the Drs on Wednesday evening, we got given some nasal drops to dry up her nose which will in turn stop the mucus running down her throat and making her cough. There does seem to be an improvement so far but as we can only use the drops for 5 days, we need to stop them on Monday... and will then see how she is later in the week and if she is still coughing we will head back to the Drs for the next step which is a very low dose of cough medicine. She sleeps through it most of the time - its only me that wakes up to it! LOL

She is growing so fast these days and I can't believe that I did a shopping spree for her yesterday at Baby Factory for winter and was getting clothes for 6-9mths! They look so big but am sure she will be in them in no time at all! We are on the Baby Factory email list and they sent an email out on Wednesday evening with an exclusive offer for their email customers offering a 25% discount on all clothes (bar underwear, footwear and the All Blacks range) so got Rachel some great pants and tops and a pair of PJ's for winter.

Oh I am reading everyones blogs but just rarely commenting due to time etc... so please be assured that I am still reading them!

Anyway, I probably should get moving as we have our friends Lynaire and Kev coming for a BBQ tea tonight. The chicken is marinating but there are a couple of salads to make and a house to tidy before they arrive...

Sunday night update...
... just as Rachel was getting over her cold, she has come down with Diarrhea for the last 36hrs and I was up to her approx every 90 mins during the night either changing her nappy or feeding her! So am absolutely shattered today... but to make matters worse I took her to the After Hours at lunch time to discover that she also has an inflamed ear drum! Oh she also threw up big time at 10.30pm right through her bedding!!! So I have one very miserable little girl and she has one very tired, aching mummy! We have Gastrolight for her diarrhea and have to try to get 400mls of that into her each 24hr period but only 50/75mld at a time! And then there is the antibiotics for her ear twice a day, pamol for her temp 2/3 times a day, her reflux medicine twice a day and her nasal drops twice a day (last day tomorrow)! Is it any wonder I am getting confused!

Catch ya all later!


Chris H said...

What a relief to hear that everything is working out fine with returning to work and baby at daycare! To think you were so worried about Rachel settling in... you must be doing well cos you sound really happy and positive. It's totally beyond me how you can do the mummy / wife / housekeeper / full time working woman and stay sane!

Crafty Japan said...

Oh you poor thing! :( Hope she gets better soon!

Anne said...

Hope Rachel is soon back to normal. Take care Karen.

Paula said...

Hi Karen

I've just been catching up on your blogger. I hope that Rachel is a lot better now and that you've managed to get a few good night's sleep after what sounds like a very tiring weekend.

*Hugs* to you both.

- Paula (Christchurch)