Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's been awhile since my last post - I keep meaning to pop on and do an update but I just never seem to quite get there! In fact I should be folding the washing rather on here but hey the washing will still be there tomorrow for me!

All going ok here - plodding on slowly. In week 1 of my "baby steps" - I gained 400gms! Not a good start at all!! Then this week I lost 300 gms which I was pleased with but it doesn't take a mathematician to see that I am still up 100gms from the start but I will get there. Have cut out my "bad" morning habits for the last two weeks - I struggle at times without my muffin but I manage. So next step is to cut down (and then out) the can of soft drink I have every afternoon! So that will be starting from tomorrow! Will probably start with having one every 2nd day, then 3rd day etc.... before I can go back to having it as a "treat" which is what I was like prior to getting pregnant. Then after that it will be time to work on the afternoon "sweet" treats and/or chippies that occur most afternoon!!! Doesn't cost as much as one would think as one of the divisions in our building has a social club "tuckshop" and the drinks/chips etc are just $1 which is a lot cheaper than buying from the local diary/magazine shop! But still all the $1's add up quite quickly!

Will try to update my sidebar at some stage with weight, losses/gains and mini goals - would actually love a totally new look/design but struggle to find the time and energy to concentrate on doing that but guess I will get around to it one day sooner or later.

Rachel is doing really well and starting to pull herself up on furniture etc now and is not happy unless she is standing! Very tiring at times when playing with her as she is continuously wanting you to hold her hands so she can stand! Though we have discovered a cheap form of entertainment for her - just to sit her at the french doors, pull back the net curtains and let her watch the trees move, her swing move and the rain falling etc - she loves it and can watch it for some time! :)

Can't believe it is only 4 weeks till her 1st birthday! Invites are out for her party but like I said in an earlier post - its immediate family and 2 close friends. I so want to invite EVERYONE I know but I know that's just not a doable thing in this house! Then the weekend after her birthday, we have her godparents wedding to attend on the Saturday and then the antenatal combined birthday party on the Sunday so thats a couple of full on weekends for us!

Anyway, time to get moving for now - just wanted to let you all know that we are doing ok - just been busy/tired etc... I am reading your blogs and commenting when I have the time. Catch ya all later :)


Chris H said...

Wow this year has gone so fast, I can't believe Rachel is nearly 1! And once she starts walking you are going to be so much busier!!!

Kate said...

One year already! It just goes so fast. Sigh.

Hey, I'd be more than happy to design you a header for your blog if you'd like. It's really quite easy to change your colours around after that. Anyway, just let me know.

Nice to read a post from you!

Tania said...

OMG - how can she possibly be turning 1 already? I know it's cliche'd but the time really does fly doesn't it?

Good for you on making baby steps, sometimes those changes are easier said than done, but they're all steps in the right direction.

Helena said...

she'll be 16 before you know it ... enjoy every second of her sweet innocence and naievity :) LOL

Man bad habits are hard to break eh babes? but it sounds like you are going about breaking them in the right way ... good on ya and hang in there :)

Rachel said...

Hopefully the weather will be MUCH better by her birthday party so you can open up all the doors etc and have people out on the front porch (fingers crossed).

Baby steps are good and even though you are 100g up, that will melt away (and much more) with each 'step' you take.

Anne said...

So good to see you posting again! I'm sure, in fact I know you will soon be losing weight again. As the others said - hang in there - and baby steps.

One year old!! Where does the time go?

Chris H said...

Re: your question... next week !!!

Anne said...

Love the new look!!!! Did you do that?

Chris H said...

OOOO pretty new looking blog, I like it!