Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hi everyone!

Gees starting to get the hang of regular blogging again... feels quite good.

Not that there is a lot to say.... water has been down to 1.5 litres the last couple of days which I am happy with. I have also created a rule for me and that is I have to have drunken at least 1 litre of water BEFORE I am allowed my daily can of Coke Zero. And it has worked so far... but then once I have my can, my water intake drops which I guess is a bit logical but am working on keeping the water intake up in the afternoons as well.

Thanks for the few ideas re snacks... I don't eat nuts - just don't like them... keep trying the occasionally but still don't like them :( I don't eat banana's as a whole fruit (unless I HAVE to)... hate the texture - but love banana muffins, cakes, loaves, smoothies etc... Might try the yoghurt idea and perhaps the corn thins as well. I hear lots about corn thins but never been "game" enough to try them so must "grow some balls" and try them! :)

Having a few work issues this week but am trying to work through them... but am definitely on the look out for a new role somewhere... Jules, I am in Upper Hutt so have a good 40 min train ride each way, plus the walking to and from the station. I had taken into consideration the price of transport when doing my figures. Anne - thanks for the WFF suggestion; I went to their website with a bit of hope however we are still over the limit... but it was worth a shot.

Going for coffee (well Hot Choc for me) and dessert with one of my best friends tomorrow night before she has her second child (due in 2/3 weeks) so am really looking forward to a girlie night out with no children interupting etc - just to be able to talk about what we want is going to be bliss. Then on Sat morning, Rachel and I have antenatal coffee group catch up just around the corner so that should be fun. Our group is quite a slack one as most of us have gone back to work and it's been over a year since we got all of the children together! But I have kept in touch with one in particular (the one who is hosting the morning tea) and her Jack and Rachel are really good friends (most of the time) so am looking forward to catching up with them.

Anyway, time to get ready for bed etc... catch ya all later :)


Margaret said...

Hope you have a nice time out with your friend and good luck with the job hunting.Have you registered for "" they will email you will jobs that come up.

Anne said...

A step in the right direction having the water before the Coke Zero:-)

Seriously yoghurt and fruit (even tinned fruit low sugar) is a good filler up.

Chris H said...

Mate you really do know all the diet rules already.. so work on it!
Hope the ante natal catch up is fun.

Jules said...

I love the corn thins, taste like pop corn sort of. And the cream cheese is the schnizz!!

Tania said...

Oh wow - i'd forgotten about corn thins, haven't had them for ages, must go and hunt some down!

LOL @ your water rule - just commented aabout that on your last post - I should learn to catch up, oh the joys of being a working mum, I never get to read blogs as often as i'd like to!