Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another wild, windy day in Wellington! Though apparently it has cleared up in the city, but out in Hutt it is still very blustery! Just hung a second load of towels out on the main line for it to break off the fence a few mins later! So am not impressed at all! The lines in the carport already have clothes on them so the only option is the dryer! Bugger! Stephan has said it is just a matter of getting bigger bolts for the clothesline so might try to stop at Bunnings while we are out later on to see if we can pick some up. Admittingly, we don't use that line a lot during the week in the winter (as it loses the sun early) but if we don't get it fixed quickly, it will get forgotten about until I go to use it and then I will curse and swear away! LOL

Oh anyone want to buy a house in a mortgagee auction? The house next door to us is on the market and will go to auction in a couple of weeks time. The owners moved in about the same time as us (just over 3 yrs ago) but have not lived there for the last 2 years! It has been empty! No tenants no nothing! They would show up occasionally to mow the lawns etc. They had it on the market prior to Christmas and turned down a great offer (well great for the market and would have cleared their mortgage) so now the banks have taken it over! Check it out on (ID number 202487). The Bank just wants it sold, so I think it could end up going for a good price.

Went to the gym this morning with Marianne and had another great session. Marianne was a bit hungover so she just did about 45 mins cardio while I did cardio as well as my programme. It was a great time to go (10am) as it was quiet :-) Just how I like it.

Still got to suss out my eating as I am finding hard to break some habits that I have had for about 2.5 years! But I am trying and I am sure I will get there eventually. Overall, my three main meals are relatively ok - it's just the snacking especially while at work that is real bad!

Off out shopping once Rachel wakes up, need to get her a booster seat as she is outgrowing her current ones (one in each car). And according to her she is getting a pink one! Just like she is going to wear pink bra's when she is bigger and is going to have a pink car etc! Ooooops, anyone would think she likes the colour pink! LOL

Until next time....

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