Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Have been at home today not feeling the best... starting feeling yuck yesterday afternoon but still managed to get to the gym with my buddy who kept threatening to throw her water bottle over me whenever I lost my motivation. I managed to do it but came home, had tea, did the dishes, showered and went to bed! Had a restless sleep and then when I woke this morning, I decided that I was going to stay at home as I was still feeling "blah", headachey, fluey etc... so managed to get Rachel to creche, then back home to bed until midday. But it did take me 2 hrs with the electric blanket on high to warm up enough to sleep properly! Feel better after that sleep/rest and have had a very quiet afternoon with the most energetic thing being folding some washing.

I sometimes wish I could be home more often as I eat so much better at home (i.e. no snacking etc) so just have to work out how to manage it while at work.

We seem to be making progress on Rachel's toilet training which is good news... slowly but surely and lots and lots of praise when she does it in the toilet. Though she is insisting on the fact that poo's get done in nappies... so that part may take a bit longer.

Right, time to bath madam and its taken me about an hr to do this post between getting her tea and 2 toilet stops for Rachel.


Paula said...

I hope you're soon feeling much better Karen. Seems to be a few sniffles and bugs doing the rounds again. We've had snow, sleet, rain and hail today - and it's been very cold! Would love to catch up with you soon when you have some spare time. Take care.

Lynda said...

Ah, poos in nappies... Fletcher only stopped that about three months ago!!! He's been toilet trained for wees for ages but was just so stubborn for No2s. Still we are there now - still needs a night nap though, not sure how to sort that. Heck both my kids were toilet trained completely by 2 and a half, oh well...

Anne said...

Hope you are soon feeling better. Good on you braving the gym feeling like that!

I think Rachel is really very normal with regards to the toilet training, one of our grandsons just took ages to actually poo in the toilet rather than his night nap. don't worry - it will happen:-)

Rachit Dayal said...
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Anonymous said...

I hope you are not coming down with anything too serious!