Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ooooops almost a week since my last update... boy time certainly flies by when one is busy!

So what have I been busy doing... mainly work, being a wife and mummy, and all the other stuff in the middle!

Went to the gym tonight for the first time in a week... missed last Thursday as I was still not feeling well and then just totally forgot all about it on Sunday! Oooops! But when I text my gym buddy to let her know that I had promised Rachel shopping and baking she was quite happy not to go as she was hungover and was sleeping on a friends couch! LOL Loved the workout tonight - Marianne did a circuit while I stuck to my programme, I might try the circuit with her on Thursday night as it did look like it was just a little bit of fun :-)

I tried knocking myself out on Monday morning... got to work and stopped by the kitchenette on our floor to put my salad in the fridge (under the bench) and whammed my forehead straight into the edge of the bench!! OUCH!!! My bosses boss witnessed it and we both initially laughed then I realised the pain that I was in! I completed an incident report just in case something happened later in the day... but all I have to show for it is a little bump and a headache coming and going.

I had a nice phone call from the gym on Friday afternoon to say that I had won their recent "refer a friend" competition (with Marianne joining the day after me) and that their was a cheque waiting for me to collect! That really made my day/week though most of the money is going on upcoming dentist bill but am also planning to buy myself some new sneakers and trackpants as well as taking Marianne out for lunch tomorrow to say thanks to her for joining on my recommendation.

Rachel is doing fantastically well with the toilet training... she must have been so ready for it when she started at creche last week. We have not had any accidents since Friday and she is even doing No 2's on the toilet too most days! She wakes dry each day after her nap... and is wanting to use the toilet first thing each morning! Her night nappy is still generally wet but she still has a lot "inside" :) I have already started only washing nappies every second night as there is no point in doing a load of washing for 3 nappies each day (2 at night as she can wet through if only wearing one and then one for her day nap too). Am so proud of the fact that it has happened so easily and smoothly (touch wood) and that we haven't even had to use pull ups or training pants... straight from nappies to little girl knickers!

Anyway, time for me to head to bed... still have a bit of headache and want a good nights sleep. Donating blood tomorrow so hopefully it will be a bit easier this time, this is my 3rd time and they have so many problems finding my small and very deep veins! But I want to preserver in donating blood after seeing Dad and my friend Jude needing blood transfusions and how I can help so many people.

Night all


Flower said...

Oooohh - you are so good donating blood. It is one of those things that I keep meaning to do. I did do it at school - as my birthday is mid year I was always one of the older kids in the class, so was over the age resistriction sooner than my friends, and well over the weight resistriction!! One time I guess it was 'good' that I was heavier than my friends!!! :)

I really honestly remember being so proud that I could help people where my thin friends couldn't.

Annie said...

Congrats on your little $$ windfall :)
One of the nicest things about a new exercise regime is when you're able to go out and buy a bit of new training gear - it's like a great big "I'M WORTH IT!".
The gym's the best place for working out in winter - so glad you're enjoying it :D

Way to go Rachel on the TT front! And power to you both if you don't need to buy into buying pull-ups etc. (More money for fun things!)

...Speaking of which, hope you enjoy your lunch out today!!!

Annie :)