Saturday, May 09, 2009

Just thought I would pop on and do a quick post while the family are out visiting other family on the "other side" of their family who live around the corner from us. It is great fun having A, K & R here though it does make for a full house and for 2 cars to be used if we call go out to the same place. The three gals and I went out to Queensgate yesterday and shopped for 3 hrs! Well they shopped, and I just walked around keeping them company and helped them make decisions. They spent money, and I didn't! I may have been more inclined to have spent some, but had spent an hour at the dentist earlier yesterday morning, so after paying for that, I knew we couldn't really afford to spend money on impulse shopping! They did try to get me to spend my Farmers vouchers but what I liked and tried on just did not suit me at all which was unfortunate as I really did love one of the tops and would have gotten it had it fitted nicely. After that expedition, A and I went and picked up Rachel from creche and surprised her with a visit to see her old friends at her old creche which she just loved! K & R headed into town on the train for tea with a friend, and we stayed home and had fish and chips and then watched "Jack and Sarah" - a chick flick! :) Both A & I would loved to have opened a bottle of wine but A had a headache so wasn't feeling up to it and I was so tired that I knew one glass of wine and I would have been fast asleep!

Today, all the girls (i.e. everyone except Stephan) went and did the groceries which was quite a sight I think esp with A & I having discussion after discussion about who was paying for what! LOL Once we were home and unpacked, they borrowed the car and have gone visiting... Steph is reading the paper, Rachel is outside playing on her bike and I am here. Did contemplate going to the gym but am still sore from the dentist and the last thing I feel like doing is doing a work out and besides the PT did suggest only twice a week for the first 2 weeks or so until my body got used to it again.. I guess it does sound like excuses and they probably are but hey it's my decision... and as I type this I am starting to feel a bit guilty, so perhaps I may end up going afterall...

Got our pot luck dinner tonight, so that should be a good night out. Not sure how long Rachel will last but will play it by ear. Then tomorrow, we now have my mum, my sister (and her family) all coming here for a Mothers Day lunch! So that will be lots of fun!

Best I get going as Rachel is wanting to get her paddling pool out!!! Just a wee bit to chilly for that now! Must put it away in the shed so its out of sight!


Chris H said...

Paddle pool... brrrr far too cold!
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day mate.

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen
Coming out from lurking to encourage you to stick with the exercise regime. I joined a gym about 18 months ago and my life has changed for the better. I have lost weight and now love to exercise. The food part of the equation is imortant too, but its only really now that I understand that the real answer is the exercise - cos i can eat the food i love (some of the time!) and not feel the guilt or the effects.Go well, stick with it and I look forward to hearing of your progress. Youve done the hard bit..joining the gym! Jo

Sue said...

Gosh, you sound so busy! Hope you had a lovely Mothers Day.