Thursday, May 07, 2009

Well two sesssions and I feel good! Though only did some cardio today as I was still quite sore in some places from Tuesday so had a chat to one of the PT's and she suggested 30 mins of gentle cardio so did some time on the treadmill and bike. Roll on Saturday morning - all going well that is as we have family (stephan's cousins from Timaru) coming to stay with us tonight for 4 days.

Stephan has just headed to the airport to go and pick up his cousin, her daughter and her daughters friend. Gonna be a full house for us but also lots of fun, laughter and some drinking too!

Eating has been pretty good over the last couple of days, with a salmon salad yesterday and a chicken salad today. Have had a can of coke and a small pack of chippies too! Still have a way to go with my healthy eating but am DEFINTITELY better than what I was just a couple of weeks ago.

Work has been chaos the last couple of days with 2 staff down. It's probably quite lucky that my workload has been quite quiet (quite scary really) so I have been able to do lots of their work for them! Tomorrow they will be 3 down as I have booked a day's leave, one is still sick and the other one is on leave as well. I am planning on spending a great day catching up with A and the 2 girls. Though its now gonna get off to a great start with a dentist apt at 9.30am as I have had a filling (or two) fall out yesterday.

Right, time to get moving as there are still a couple of things to get done before Stephan gets home with our visitors.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Janine said...

Great minds Karen - I also have a days leave and I am planning on doing a little housework and maybe some baking and just having some me time.

Si will be busy in the office working, so I might even get a chance to watch some day time telly.

Paula said...

You are sounding so motivated Karen ... well done!! If you get too much energy, will you please send some my way? Lol.

Have a fantastic weekend - I know you'll enjoy having your visitors to stay.
